Monday, January 3, 2011

A good neighbor indeed

Nothing warms my soul more on a snowy day then to see my neighbor, Ray, a retired school teacher, crossing the street with his snow blower to take care of my driveway.

Ray’s the kind of neighbor you speak to a few times a year or wave to as you drive by. It’s not like we drink beers together and watch football or share family events, but he is always there if I need help.

And for a man in a wheelchair, that’s very reassuring.

I know I could pay to have my driveway cleared but Ray steps up to the plate because he knows I could use a hand.  I don’t even have to ask.

Not only is Ray good with a snow blower, he is also part of my support network in case I get into a jam when I am home alone. Live in a wheelchair and you’ll realize those things happen more than you care to admit.

I’m forever thanking him, but it never seems to be enough. Neighbors like Ray make good neighborhoods and I think municipalities should go out of their way to honor residents who voluntarily help neighbors who are disabled.

In fact, I’d love to see my town initiate a program where neighbors sign up to assist a disabled neighbor. Call it the Good Neighbor Network. I’m sure other residents would gladly volunteer. Then at the end of each year we could nominate a Neighbor of the Year and hold a dinner to honor all the nominees.

What do you think? If you have a person with a disability in your neighborhood will you sign up to help?

1 comment:

  1. Great idea, the Good Neighbor Network. I think you should reach out to the powers-that-be in Hamilton (or, better yet, at the county level), to get this concept rolling. It's so simple and has so much potential to catch on.

    But I wouldn't bother to join it. (Kidding, of course). I'd like to know, however, who would seriously answer: "Nah, I wouldn't sign up." That's just a sure-shot invitation for some nasty karma.
